

Home Damaged By Storm? Storage Can Help

by Dusty Rhodes on Apr 07, 2015  in 
  • Home Storage
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The overall impact of a storm is unpredictable, and homeowners who experience storm damage often face the issue of needing shelter for their furniture and belongings.When storms are severe enough to leave considerable amounts of damage, it is a good idea to get a storage unit, so that your belongings can be stored while your home is repaired. A storage unit works well after a storm because it provides shelter for your belongings, especially if your home has extensive damage.

Here are a few SMART Tips on how storage can help you after a storm:

Shelter From the Elements In cases of severe and damaging storms, where roofing and windows may be affected, storage provides instant shelter for exposed belongings and furniture. A storage unit offers a way for homeowners to salvage items that make it through a bad storm. Storage also protects items from being subjected to additional weather elements that may fall, such as rain or snow.

After a damaging storm, take inventory of the items in your home that you can still use and save, and then prepare and package those items for storage.

Room For Repairs With significant storm damage, comes the task of home repair. Depending on the degree of damage, some homeowners are required to move out of their living space while repairs are completed, leaving the sudden need for a place to house non-impacted belongings. One of the ways to help ease the burden of having to temporarily move, is getting a storage unit to help house your belongings. The benefit of storage is that it provides a way for items to be moved out of way, making room for the completion of repairs.It also provides protection for your furniture and belongings from potential construction damage. Once the repairs are finished, you’ll have the added reassurance of knowing your belongings have been protected and are available for you to use once you move back in.

Security and Protection Since storm damage does sometimes leave broken windows and exposed roofing, a storage unit is an ideal way to provide security and protection for your belongings that make it through the storm. Unfortunately in some cases, valuable belongings are put at risk for theft, and a storage unit can provide the temporary housing and shelter needed to protect those items. After a damaging storm, gather up all of your non-damaged important valuables and protectively wrap, box or package them for storage. Once your home is repaired and secure again, you can move your valuables back into your home, knowing that they have been secured and protected.

Help For the Community When a community faces widespread, collective damage, portable storage units can really help with providing a place to store supplies and much needed relief aid. Disaster relief organizations can set up and stage a series of portable storage units for relief workers, as well as homeowners who are living in the remaining habitable space of their damaged homes. Portable storage is also convenient because it can be placed directly on-site near neighborhoods under protected lock and key and it is a great way for homeowners to still be close to their items.

Of course no one ever wants to experience damage from a storm, but knowing that there are storage resources available really helps. For additional storage tips and ways storage solutions can help, visit our Storage page.

Dusty Rhodes