

5 Ideas for Making Moving to a New Home Easier on Your Pets

by Dusty Rhodes on Dec 15, 2021  in 
  • Pets
  • Moving
  • affordable moving
pets moving tip


Moving is a big adjustment, not just for you but also for your furry friend. It’s easy to get so caught up in all the packing, unpacking, cleaning, and organizing that we forget about how the move will impact our pet. Moving tops the list as one of the most stressful events in a person’s life and it’s equally as stressful for your pet. In fact, moving can sometimes be even more stressful for pets because they don’t understand what is happening. Moving to a new home requires thoughtful planning and that includes planning for your pet. Not only do you need to focus on getting all of your belongings from one location to another, but you also need to prepare your pet for the process as well. Consider these helpful tips for helping your pet adjust and transition into their new home.

1. Take Your Pet to Their New Home Before Moving

If it is possible to do so, it’s always a good idea to take your pet to their new home before moving day. Let them roam around the house for a little while, taking in the new smells and learning about the new environment. For dogs, it is important to walk them around the yard as well as up and down the street. This helps them to get familiar with their new surroundings so it isn’t a total shock for them on moving day. Walking your dog around the neighborhood allows them to get acquainted with the sights, sounds, and smells of their new territory and this can make the adjustment much easier for them.

2. Get Them Acquainted with Their Carrier

This is very important for small dogs or cats. Given that they will likely spend a good bit of time in their carrier on the days leading up to your move and certainly on moving day, it is important to help them make positive associations with their carrier. Dogs and cats are curious by nature, so give them opportunities to sniff their carrier and check it out well before moving day. Set the carrier out and allow your pet to walk freely in and out of the carrier for several days. It can even be helpful to put their favorite blanket, a toy, and even a couple treats inside to make it a more positive experience.

3. Stick to Your Normal Routine

You may find that your schedule is completely out of whack when you are prepping for a move and it may even stay that way for a few days after the move. After all, packing, unpacking, and sorting through boxes for days on end might lead to earlier mornings, late meal times, and less time for walking your pet. However, a few days off your routine is manageable for humans but it can be very stressful for your pet. Do the best you can to keep your pet’s daily routine as normal as possible. Try to feed them at the same time every day, take the same potty breaks each day, remember their daily walk, and spend a few minutes cuddling with them. The more you stick to your pet’s normal routine, the better they will adjust to these new changes.

4. Exercise and Cuddles

Exercise isn’t just great for your dog’s physical health, but also for their mental wellbeing. Just as exercise helps to reduce stress in humans, the same is true for your dog. Exercise is a great way to keep your dog’s stress levels down and help them stay calm. Therefore, take them on a longer walk, spend a few extra minutes at the park, or play a few games of fetch with them in the backyard. On that same note, remember to spend a little extra time cuddling with your pet. This will provide comfort and help to calm their anxiety as they adjust to their new home.

5. Set Up a Special Place for Retreat

It’s expected that boxes and personal belongings will take over your home before, during, and after a move. That’s why it’s important to set up a special place for your pet in their new home where they can relax. Choose a spot that is clean, quiet, and can be just theirs. Perhaps you can choose a quiet corner in a bedroom or a space that doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic. This is where you can place your pet’s bed, carrier, a favorite blanket, and perhaps a few toys. All of these items carry a familiar smell and can ease your pet and provide comfort. It’s important that they have a quiet place to go and relax even in the midst of all the chaos.

Dusty Rhodes