
How to Store the American Flag Effectively

by Dusty Rhodes on Dec 09, 2020  in 

The American Flag: Thirteen stripes and fifty stars that mean so much too so many people. Some people have fought for our flag, some continue to fight for our flag, while many others have made the ultimate sacrifice for our flag. We have millions of people in the United States who are extremely proud to be Americans. With that in mind, when it comes to storing the American Flag, you want to make sure that every proper precaution is taken to ensure that respect is always shown to this great symbol of freedom that our country so proudly displays.

Fold the Flag Properly- Always make sure to fold the American Flag properly according to rules and regulations. Keep a close eye on the flag while folding it, making sure to never let it come in contact with the ground. Proper folding techniques also will help ensure that the flag is kept in good condition for future use. Go to for step by step instructions on proper folding techniques for the American Flag.

Keep it in a Dark Area- When storing the American Flag, always be sure to keep it in a dark area. Too much light will cause the colors of flag to fade, while also causing the fabric of the flag to become damaged over time.

Use a Storage Unit- Many companies offer storage units at a reasonable price that can assist with protection for our nation’s flag. Many storage containers that are available are climate-controlled, and are capable of keeping items protected in all types of weather conditions. Additionally, the interior of many storage units can protect against harmful bugs and substances that could come about during storage if proper protection measures are not taken.

When You Store It, Store it Flat- Try to find a storage option that is spacious enough to allow you to store the American Flag in an area that offers a flat surface. Many storage containers offer enough space that will allow you to put an object like a table inside the unit for storage of your flag.


The American Flag is a physical symbol of our freedom, but the actual meaning runs so much deeper for so many people. We hope that these tips are helpful to you as you look for ways to store and preserve the flag of the United States of America. For more helpful moving and storage tips check out our Blogs.

Dusty Rhodes