
Best Practices for Using a Portable Storage Unit to Stage a House ​

by Dusty Rhodes on Feb 06, 2019  in 
  • Renovating
  • Portable Storage
  • Personal Storage
  • Home Storage
  • Organization
  • Moving
Declutter Your Home

When most people think of portable storage units, they typically associate them with moving their belongings from one home to another.  While portable storage is certainly ideal for this task, it can actually be very helpful throughout the entire moving process…starting with the sale of your home.  Every homeowner wants to ensure that their home is in tip top shape when they put it on the market so it will appeal to buyers.  The best way to do is this is by staging your home.  Portable storage units can play an important role in helping homeowners stage their homes…and here’s how.


  1. Declutter and Get Organized

    The first step in staging your home is decluttering.  Before putting your home on the market, you should go through your entire home and get rid of any unwanted belongings.  This is a good time to have a yard sale or consider donating those unused items.  Once you have gotten rid of everything you no longer need, it’s important to organize what you have left.  The key to a well-staged him is organization.  You want your home to look neat and tidy and you always want to make it look as spacious as possible.  This means you need to take out any items that you don’t use on a daily basis.  Things like extra furniture, dishes, appliances, knick-knacks, photographs, books, sports equipment, and out-of-season clothing need to be removed from the home in order to give it that clean, organized, and spacious look.  Portable storage units can really come in handy when you are organizing your home because they provide you with a perfect place to store all of these extra belongings. 


  2. Renovation Rescue

    Many people choose to make minor renovations to their home in order to stage it and help it sell faster.  They might paint, update fixtures and appliances, stain floors, clean carpets, update countertops and the list goes on.  It is much easier to renovate and thoroughly clean your home when you remove some of the furniture and pictures.  A portable storage unit can rescue you from the stress of trying to figure out where to store your belongings during these renovations and projects.  You can store your belongings in a portable storage unit where they will be safe, secure, out neatly out of the way.


  3.Store Your Boxes 
No one likes to wait until the last minute to start packing.  In fact, it is smart to start the packing process well in advance so you can declutter your home and also have less to do on your last few days in the home.  The problem with packing early is that buyers are not impressed with the stacks of boxes sitting in your garage or dining room.  You want to appeal to buyers by keeping your home well-staged so you will need a place to store these boxes.  Buyers will look in every nook and cranny so they are sure to peek in closets, attics, sheds, and anywhere else you might be storing your boxes.  Keep your home neat and clutter-free by storing your boxes in a portable storage unit.  This allows you to get a head start on your packing while also keeping you home nicely staged.

Dusty Rhodes