

9 Quick Tips for Helping Your Home Sell Faster

by Dusty Rhodes on May 25, 2018  in 
blog 5-25-18

You have found the home of your dreams and you are ready to make an offer but there is one thing you must do first…sell your current home.  Like any seller, it can be a tense time because you want to sell your home quickly so it’s not sitting on the market for months. This can certainly be a stressful time but luckily there are specific steps you can take to ensure a speedy sale.  Here are 9 tips to help you sell your home as quickly as possible. 

  1. Price it Right

    Sellers often think it is better to start high and then lower the price if their home doesn’t sell. However, this can result in a slower sale and can even end up costing you more in the end. The first 30 days that your home is on the market are the best activity you’re going to see so it is best to have a good price right from the start. If the price is too high it might deter buyers or give the impression that you’re not willing to negotiate. 

  2. Enhance Your Curb Appeal

    Selling your home is all about making a good first impression and the exterior of your home is the first thing buyers will notice. Therefore, you might need to add some new sod, plant some flowers, replace your mailbox, or accessorize your front porch.  Prospective buyers form an opinion the moment they pull in the driveway so give them something to be excited about. 

  3. Make Minor Upgrades

    Just because you are selling your home doesn’t mean you have to make extravagant upgrades. You probably won’t get your money back if you do a major home improvement right before you list your house.  Quick fixes will always pay off.  Put a fresh coat of paint on the walls, replace fixtures or cabinet hardware, and add some attractive accessories. These less expensive upgrades will give your home a nice clean look. 

  4. Declutter the Junk

    Less is more when it comes to showing your home. One of the best things you can do to ensure a quick sale is to go through each room and declutter. Get rid of anything you no longer need and go ahead and pack most of your appliances, accessories, and knick-knacks. Clear off countertops in kitchens and bathrooms. You want buyers to walk into a home that is neat, clean, and free of clutter. 

  5. Empty Your Closets

    Storage is something every buyer is looking for and can never get enough of.  Take most of the stuff out of your closets and neatly organize what is left. Your closets will appear much larger if they aren’t packed full of stuff. 

  6. Depersonalize Your Home

    Prospective buyers are trying to envision their family living in the house and that can be difficult if your home is adorned with family photos. Take down any family pictures, religious items, or political posters so buyers won’t feel like they are drowning in your personal space. 

  7. Light it Up

    Never underestimate the power of light. Good lighting is something every buyer will appreciate.  Remove bulky drapes, change out light bulbs, turn on lamps, and trim outside bushes to increase natural light. It will make your home feel bright and cheery the moment buyers walk in. 

  8. Stage Your Home

    Make sure every room in the home has a defined purpose. Bedrooms should be set up as bedrooms instead of exercise rooms or storage rooms. If you have an odd space in the house, stage it as an office or sitting area. Set the furniture up in ways that showcase your home’s best features and make the space feel larger.  Add a few cozy touches such as fresh flowers on the table or freshly baked cookies on the kitchen counter. 

  9. Remove Your Pets                                                                                          Prospective buyers shouldn’t know that a pet lives in the home. This could turn some buyers away and give the impression that your home is dirty or might be damaged by pets. In addition to concealing the pet, remove any pet paraphernalia such as food bowls, leashes, pet toys, and litter boxes. Remember, not everyone is a cat or dog lover. 




Dusty Rhodes