

Five Reasons to Unpack Your Moving Boxes Quickly

by Dusty Rhodes on May 06, 2016  in 
  • SMARTBOX Moving Tips
On Site Storage

If you have ever completed a move, you probably know how much work and effort goes into packing up each moving box carefully. In fact, packing up is one of the number one things most people dread when they make the decision to move. So once the move is completed, it’s only natural sometimes to want to take a pause before going through the entire process again and unpacking each box. While this may be the case, it is still important to unpack your moving boxes sooner rather than later.

Consider some of the following reasons why you should unpack your moving boxes quickly after your move is complete:

Check For Damage
With the possibility of damage occurring during a move, it is important to unpack your moving boxes as soon as you can so that you can inspect your belongings for damage. By checking your items in a relatively quick amount of time, you have the opportunity to file claims on damage that occurred during the move. If you wait too long to open your boxes, the statute of limitations may run out for filing an insurance claim, costing you the opportunity to be fairly compensated for your damaged property.  

Avoid Pests
Boxes have the ability to attract pests, especially if they have been sitting for a long time. Moving boxes that may have been once used as grocery stock boxes sometimes have a lingering food scent, attracting unwanted pests and insects. To avoid creating an atmosphere where critters invite themselves into your new home, it is a good idea is to unpack your boxes as quickly as you can. This will help to eliminate the temptation of pests and insects from sneaking into your home.  

Control Odor
Moving boxes tend to take on a musty, closed up odor after sitting for a long period of time. In fact, the odor can aggravate allergy symptoms in some people. To keep your home smelling nice and fresh, unpack your boxes as soon as you can so you can keep the smell of fresh, clean air circulating in your home.  If you have boxes that you must keep packed, try moving those into an attic or basement space, so that you can still keep the smell of fresher air throughout the main living space in your home.

An organized home allows you to do more in your living space. From entertaining to decorating, organization invites the ability to maintain order and convenience in your home. If you have a house full of moving boxes blocking and obstructing the view of several rooms, it can be hard to sleep, eat and especially invite people over for social gatherings. Unpacking your moving boxes quickly will enable you to get organized faster, and settle into your routine of life in your new home.

Packing up boxes for a move can get a little tedious, especially as you pack up the last few boxes. By that point, some items get placed into boxes with other household goods, creating a mystery as to where the belongings disappeared to.  Out of necessity, on the other side of the move, it is important to unpack your moving boxes as soon as you can so that you can find what you need.

We hope these tips will help you during your move, and if you would like additional information, check out our Blog, visit our Moving page, or check out our website.

Dusty Rhodes