

Five Ways to De-Clutter For Spring

by Dusty Rhodes on Apr 29, 2016  in 
  • Home Storage

Now that spring is here once again, the time has come for more spring cleaning. While this time of year means getting outside and enjoying warmer weather, it is also a great time to organize your home and de-clutter for spring. Whether you are clearing out your closets and packing away your winter clothes to tidying up your garage, there are many ways you can prevent clutter from blossoming this spring.

To help you get started, here are a few tips that will allow you to stay clutter-free, while enjoying the spring season.

Storing a lot of items in your closet can lead to clutter. A good tip is to keep clothing and accessories for the current season in your closet and store away other items that are not being used. By simply storing away heavy, bulky sweaters or thick boots, you can acquire more storage room and keep clutter at bay.

If winter decor and other seasonal items have started to take over your closet space, consider getting a storage unit so you can keep your closets clutter-free for spring. Closets have a way of accumulating a lot of extra items, especially during the winter, and spring is the perfect time to clear away access clutter.

Spring is a great time to clear clutter from your kitchen. Whether you have too many items covering your counters or full drawers and shelves, taking a good assessment of what you currently use and need is a great way to alleviate a cluttered kitchen. 

A good tip is to clear your counters of any unnecessary items and keep the essentials items you need such as appliances or canisters present. Next, check your pantry for extra items you can donate, since it's always great to help someone else in need. Follow with taking a good inventory of your dishes, cookware and glasses to see what items you never use. Chances are, if certain pieces of kitchenware are only sitting on your shelves, you can free up space by simply removing the items you never use.

De-cluttering your garage is a great way to spring clean your home. You will be amazed at how much cleaner your garage will appear simply by moving items you don’t need into storage. A good tip is to move items such as shovels and other winter tools into storage space. Next, sort through items that are taking up the largest amount of space in your garage, and place those items in storage. Storage will allow you to still hold onto those items but will help you to avoid losing valuable garage space that you can utilize for spring.

After a long winter, basements can also accumulate a lot of clutter. A good tip is to move your seasonal items into a storage unit so that you avoid cluttering up your basement space. Often times, basements are the go to place for all stored items, but what happens usually is more and more items are added on top of items and before you know it, your basement is full. A storage unit will allow you the extra room you need to store all of the items that are cluttering your basement and help you to stay clutter-free.

The main goal is to make sure that you are removing clutter so you can have an organized and clean living space this spring and the whole year through. If you would like additional storage tips, please visit our Storage page or check out our Blog.

Dusty Rhodes