

Helpful Tips to Consider For Your Next Move

by Dusty Rhodes on Jul 17, 2015  in 
  • SMARTBOX Moving Tips
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When it comes to moving, taking care of the big details is important, but equally important are the smaller details that can give way to issues that can affect your overall move. If you are in the process of preparing for a move, consider the following seven helpful SMART tips as you plan out all the details.

SMART Tip 1: Check cable access

While checking on your cable access may not be the most important item on your moving checklist, it is still an important consideration to consider. There are instances where you may move into a home where the previous owner had cable wired to a different cable provider. If you are not aware of this, it can cause long delays in getting your cable, phone and internet service established. Prior to your move, check out the cable access provided to your home. If wires need to be added or rewired, try to arrange for it to be completed before you move. This small detail will help keep all of your lines of communication running smoothly, and you will be able to enjoy moving in more easily.

SMART Tip 2: Take photos 

This may sound odd, but taking photos of how various electronic items and belongings are assembled can actually save you time during the reconnection and assembly process. Going off of memory is fine, but a picture will quickly help you to recall exactly where various cords, parts and pieces go.

If you want to keep similar style patterns from your current décor, take photos of how you have items arranged, including window treatments, table settings or other stylized designs you want to carry over into your new home.

While a small detail, a photo can help you to avoid spending time trying to figure out how you had an item previously placed, making settling in after your move, a little easier.

SMART Tip 3: Keep track of parts

Whether it is all of the pieces of parts and screws from a disassembled bed, or the connecting cords to your DVD player and television, keeping track of each part connected to your items will help you with the reassembly process. A photo is still valuable, but if the parts are missing that go with the photo, it will not be helpful. After you disassemble items such as beds and large appliances, place them in a container or plastic bag that seals and closes. Label all pieces, where they go and keep them in a handy box so that they will be available when you need them for reassembly. Something as simple as not having the proper screws or missing an important cord for reconnection, can make all the difference in whether or not you will be able to get all of your electronics up and running smoothly in your new place.

SMART Tip 4:  Spray for pests

Moving into a new home is fun and exciting, but sometimes pests can emerge after you have moved in. Prior to moving into your home, have your home sprayed for pests. It will be much easier to spray your home and hard to reach areas when people and furniture are not present in the home. This will help you to avoid potential pest issues later, and make your move a positive one.

SMART Tip 5: Detailed cleaning

It is always a good idea to do a detailed cleaning of your new home prior to moving in. Shampoo carpets and paint prior to moving in so that you will not have to deal with a lot of extra furniture and boxes getting in the way. A detailed cleaning will help to remove any allergens or dirt from the home, and start your experience off right in your new home.

Hopefully, these tips will help you as you plan your next move and for more information and moving resources, visit our Moving page.

Dusty Rhodes